Presale Guide

Here is how to be one of the first ones... 🚀

Main InterfaceđŸ’»Once you’re connected you can navigate the pre-sale interface and use it to purchase $ANUBIS

Contribute Button

The contribute button will initiate the acquisition of your ANUBIS tokens. You’ll have to confirm it through your BSC or Metamask wallet before it’s finalized through a few pop-ups. Make sure you check the BSCScan transaction afterwards, it will show you if your transaction went well. Also, this will be your safe haven for all of your BSC transactions, whether you’re buying ANUBIS or any other Token. This is where information is not altered by anyone

Remember to get your BNB. You can get them here: Go to Trade- Exchange-

BinanceSmartChain Bridge

If you’re looking to participate in the new world of DeFi applications and experiments happening in the Binance Smart Chain, you’ll need to move some funds to the chain. Luckily, this is easy, since there’s compatibility with the apps and tools that you normally use. First, we need to set up MetaMask wallet & configure it to connect to BSC (Binance smart chain) — and Withdraw BEP20 tokens to your MetaMask wallet BEP20, which is the equivalent to ERC20 tokens in the Binance smart chain.

Step 1 — Configure your metamask Click the network selection button near the top of the app

Click on “Custom RPC” if you have not previously added the BSC mainnet information

Enter in the BSC mainnet details as follows:

Network Name: BSC Mainnet New RPC URL: ChainID: 56 Symbol: BNB Block Explorer URL: Then press “Save“

Step 2 — Obtain BNB & other tokens on

Step 3 — Transfer out to your BSC-configured MetaMask wallet Once you have BNB or other (multi-chain) in your account, withdraw them from your wallet Copy your Metamask wallet adress and past it on the Recipient’s Address on Binance platform Ensure you select the right token and the right ‘Transfer Network’ (BEP20 for BSC). Make sure you don’t select BEP2 By doing this Binance is effectively handling the bridge for you After you paste your wallet address and select BEP20, a warning sign will pop up, this is an old warning, click “I understand” and continue

Last updated